Kornelius Flowers
Persona Non Grata
VÖ: 25.10.2019
Sumorex/Broken Silence

– CD1 (Album CD)

  1. Persona Non Grata
  2. Somebody Save Me
  3. Eat You Alive
  4. Do You Wanna Kill Me
  5. Dancing with Me
  6. Nowhere Else to Go
  7. Hi Hi Ho Ho
  8. There’s a Portrait of Myself in the Attic
  9. I See Her Ghost Rise in the Dawn
  10. Photogeena
  11. Make It Big
  12. When the Feeling’s Gone

– CD2 (Cover Song Bonus EP)

  1. Birth School Work Death
  2. The Model
  3. Funnel of Love
  4. Liar, Liar (Live)
  5. Do You Wanna Dance (Live)
  6. Flaming Star